I love my Gas Station CBD just like I love Gas Station Sushi!

Did you buy your CBD from a Guy in Dark Glasses and an overcoat?

“I just bought some CBD from the Gas Station!” I’ve had a number of good people come to me at the store or at events where I’ve been a speaker. I get asked TONS of questions. One question I get is “How do I know the CBD oil I buy is good?” Well, I’ve answered […]

The Beat Goes on: Another of the Same Scam – Beware!

Don't buy from dishonest internet scams. Buy from quality vendors of CBD

ProCanna is not a GOOD Value. NOT AT ALL I broke down some of the scam-oriented brands in earlier videos. Hemp Oil Extracts can easily get the attention of unsuspecting shoppers because there’s a rising interest in Cannabidiol (CBD) and other Hemp Oil Extract products. With the recent passage of the Farm Bill, there is […]

Do You Really know the STRENGTH of your CBD Oil? (CBD Oil Mini Review)

Certificate of Analysis: CBD Hemp Oil Water Soluble 500mg

Your Bottle reads “500mg”, right? What does this mean? Does it mean that the bottle actually contains 500 mg of CBD? Is it just 500 mg of true hemp oil extract combined with MCT Oil? What is that strength of YOUR hemp oil? David Pratt Carter guest presents for Mary Lopez Carter in today’s Hemp […]

Hemp Day Video: Drug Testing and CBD Oil from Hemp

Don't let legal problems come from false positive on CBD and THC urine test

Passing a Drug Test is a worry? What will a Urine Test reveal? Are you worried about whether you will pass a Drug Test after taking Hemp Oil with CBD? Have you heard about the horror stories of people getting penalized because they’re not smoking pot but taking Hemp Oil for aches, pains or some […]

Dosing CBD (Hemp Oil) to Pets – The Best Way

Pets also can take CBD. While it’s not shown that you can overdose a pet, it’s still not a good idea to give too much to them. Mary discusses the standard dosing for Hemp Oil for your pets. We will be posting an updated calculator for dosages for CBD to this site shortly. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Video”][/siteorigin_widget] […]

The Inaugural Hemp Day Video: Frequently Asked Questions answered by Mary Carter

Mary Carter, Hemp Oil Rockstar, Hemp Day 1

The Very First Hemp Day Video! Mary Carter has begun her education program to assist people in discovering and learning more about Hemp Oil and CBD. You’ll get tons of great information from this weekly series from Mary Carter and other experts in Hemp Oil for Health! Be sure to visit her Facebook discussion page […]