Your Dog may be Anxious

There are a number of well established studies and research evidence (as well as numerous anecdotal accounts) which suggest that your family pet would benefit in various ways with the administration of CBD (cannabidiol) in their diet. From our own experimentation, however unscientific, we’ve discovered that our elderly shih tzu has become more energetic and able to run more (she has been diagnosed with joint issues) since she’s been taking small doses from a 250mg bottle of Pet-specific Full Spectrum Cannabinoids from North Carolina hemp oil extract company, Root Science.

We also know that dogs don’t lie to us about their health in the same way that humans may. There’s a term often applied “placebo effect”. When we administer doses of Hemp Oil Extract to our treasured pups, we see them respond positively in just a matter of hours or sooner (as we have discovered on July 4, Independence Day).

If you have a nervous pet who doesn’t stay calm during thunderstorms or other loud events, consider trying CBD or a Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Extract. If you try one of the great offerings we have or another, and you find that your pet responds positively to the treatment, please consider leaving a comment on our site. We’d love to know more about our customers and readers and their successes.

We found a great reference to underscore the information we have included in this article. If you have any pets, it’s a good idea to do moderate research into methods which you may employ to help improve their health. We also provide calculators and other information on dogs in various articles we’ve published before.